The Top Ten Cybersecurity Threats for 2009 - Draft for Comments

Following up on my 2008 list of top cybersecurity threats, I have just published The Top Ten Cybersecurity Threats for 2009 for public comments. If you are interested in cybersecurity threats, kindly email your suggestions or comments directly to me (tim dot silkroad at gmail dot com).� I will review all comments, consolidate in a Google Docs spreadsheet, and publish the final version later this month (including acknowledgments).

There are a number of interesting changes and additions to the top cybersecurity threat list this year, including exploitation of social networks and the criminal use of cloud computing and software-as-a-service infrastructures for cyberattacks.

The comments and thoughts of the distinguished members of the (ISC)2 are a very important part of my process of finalizing this list. � Your comments and suggestions are warmly appreciated.
