The DT messaging system could not be started.

Good Morning,

Users can no longer log into SunBlade 2500 Solaris 9 system (though root still can). Here's what I'm getting and what I've done. I'm most suspicious of the full drive since that pops up twice and I did see one looks full. What's a good way to reduce what's on it?- or.. what else look possible as a cause?

Action Required
 The DT messaging system could not be started.
 1. Choose [OK] to return to the login screen.
2. Select Failsafe Session from the login screen's option menu and log in.
3. Check to see if the hostname is correct in these locations:
4. Check to see any magic cookie related error messages in these locations:
 For additional information, see the DT User's guide. 

Checking these files, I found that:


does not exist

              /etc/hosts host    

host appears ok


does not exist


there are 4 versions of this file. I never found "magic" or "cookie" though there were other multiple error entries- the most common I see are (ignore all the "<FONT size=3><FONT face=Calibri> stuff, I think its a paste issue:

DirectoryE mount[1029]: [ID 218687] user.error] N_NAS:/mnt/pools/A/A0/NSFShare: Permission denied
DirectoryE ufs: [ID 845546 kern.notice] NOTICE: alloc: /: file system full
A few "reboot after panic" entries
DirectoryE savecore: [ID 170680] not enough space in /var/crash/DirectoryE (268 MB avail, 278 MB needed)

and then checking

Bjones/.dt/errorlog  (and errorlog.old) 

both were empty

Also, I noticed a message window behind the other window (likely the other users got it as well):

 Trash Can
 Unable to access this trash information file:
 All trash operations will not be performed The most common causes are:
                 -Network authentication
                 -Insufficient disk space.
                 -Wrong permissions $HOME/.dt/Trash.

How can root login? Text on the console? Or over the network?

You mention a full drive. What message are you getting? If root can login and open a terminal, you should be able to check that easily.

df -v

Check /etc/hosts for the hostname and correct ip.

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Thanks.. It was the full drive. I was able to clear off a 120MB file and the user accounts started working again.