text transformation with sed or awk

Hi there,
I'm trying to extract automatically opening hours from a website.
The page displaying the schedules is

with xxx going from 101 to 174
I managed to get the following output :

      le lundi de 10.30 � 19.30
      le mardi de 9.30 � 19.30
      le jeudi de 9.30 � 19.30
      le vendredi de 9.30 � 19.30
      le samedi de 10.30 � 21.30

There is one line per weekday (from monday to sunday)
blank is an actual blank line (not displaying anything)
How can I now get the final output:

"10:30 19:30|09:30 19:30|           |09:30 19:30|09:30 19:30|10:30 21:30|           "

Thanks for your help.

awk '{ printf("%s\t%s%s",$4,$6,"|")}' input_file.txt 
awk -F'[^0-9]+' '{b=b (NR>1?"|":"")($2?sprintf("%02d:%02d %02d:%02d",$2,$3,$4,$5):"")}END{print b}' yourfile.txt

If you really want 11 spaces instead of a blank field, then:

awk -F'[^0-9]+' '{b=b (NR>1?"|":"")($2?sprintf("%02d:%02d %02d:%02d",$2,$3,$4,$5):sprintf("%11s",""))}END{print b}' yourfile.txt

if you have Python, an almost full alternative solution

#!/usr/bin/env python
import urllib2,re
pat=re.compile(""".*<span class="tdBlancBold">(.*)<div align="center">.*""",re.M|re.DOTALL)
for num in range(101,174):
    page=urllib2.urlopen(url % str(num))    
    if not "Impossible" in data:
        result = pat.findall(data)       
        for i in result:
            for j in i.split("<br>"):
                if j.startswith("le"):
                    if j[1] in days:
        for DAY in days:
                print "%s |" %( ' '.join(store[DAY])),
                print "\t\t|",
        print ""    
        print "Page not found ",url % str(num)

extract of output :

# python test.py
10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 19.00 |
10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 |             |
10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 |               | 10.00 21.00 | 10.00 20.00 |           |
10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 |             |
10.00 19.30 | 10.00 19.30 | 10.00 19.30 | 10.00 19.30 | 10.00 19.30 | 10.00 19.30 |             |
10.00 21.00 | 10.00 21.00 | 10.00 21.00 | 10.00 21.00 | 10.00 21.00 | 10.00 20.00 |             |
10.00 19.30 | 10.00 19.30 | 10.00 19.30 | 10.00 19.30 | 10.00 19.30 | 10.00 19.30 |             |
10.00 20.00 | 10.00 21.00 | 10.00 21.00 | 10.00 21.00 | 10.00 21.00 | 10.00 20.00 |             |
9.30 19.30 | 9.30 19.30 | 9.30 19.30 | 9.30 19.30 | 9.30 19.30 | 9.30 19.30 |           |
Page not found  http://www.natureetdecouvertes.com/pages/gener/view_FO_STORE_corgen.asp?mag_cod=110
10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 |             |
10.00 19.30 | 10.00 19.30 | 10.00 19.30 | 10.00 19.30 | 10.00 19.30 | 10.00 19.30 |             |
10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 |             |
10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 | 10.00 20.00 |             |
9.30 19.30 | 9.30 19.30 | 9.30 19.30 | 9.30 19.30 | 9.30 19.30 | 9.30 19.30 |           |

Thanks everyone for your help,
It looks that all stores display their timetable using different format but I came up with the following solution that matches perfectly all needs :

wget -qO- 'http://www.natureetdecouvertes.com/pages/gener/view_FO_STORE_corgen.asp?mag_cod=118' |
sed -rn 's/\r//g; s/<br>//; /^[[:space:]]*([Ll]e )?[Ll]undi/,/([Ll]e )?[Dd]imanche/ { ; /^[[:space:]]*$/!p }' |
sed -r 's/^[^0-9]*//; s/.*clipse totale.*/           /; s/ h /h/g; s/(�|de|-) //; s/\.|h/:/g; s/^9:/09:/; s/:( |$)/:00\1/g' |
sed ':a; N; $!b a; s/\n/|/g')'