Testing NIS slave server

Hi guys,

In my Sol-10 i setup NIS server following the oracle doc and setup a Linux as NIS client all went ok.

I added another Sol-10 and configure it as a NIS slave server following the oracle doc again. and added the server on the yp.conf on my NIS client

How do i test if my NIS slave server is working?

I tried shutting down the NIS master server but in NIS client ypwhich still shows the maps on my NIS master.

Is the NIS slave listed in the ypservers map for the domain?

# ypcat -k ypservers

Hi fpmurphy,

im not sure if this is in the doc that i followed "NIS slave listed in the ypservers map for the domain"

but running ypcat -k ypservers i only see the primary nis server...

Did you configure client to use both servers when you setup client with

# ypinit -c
