Test program not giving expected result

I have five classes. 2 composition classes,1 aggregation class and 1 dependency class.I have coded all the classes but one of my test program is not giving me the expected result.I have the following classes:
Interval (composition of 2 TimeStamps)
TimeSheet ( aggregation of many Interval)
Employee (composition of many TimeSheet)
FlexiEmployee (dependecy on Employee)

I have coded all the classes but when I run my test program for the Employee it does not give the details of the TimeSheet class.

Please give an insight of what I should do.


Post your code. I have no idea why it's not working, I can't see it from here.

Does this work for any employees?
Hard to provide programming guidance when you only speak in generalities. Please show some example data and your programming.

[public class TimeStamp 
	private int day;
	private int minutes;
	public TimeStamp()
		day = 0;
		minutes = 0;
	public TimeStamp(int day,int minutes)
		this.day = day;
		this.minutes = minutes;
	public void setDay(int day)
		this.day = day;
	public void setMinutes(int minutes)
		this.minutes = minutes;
	public int getDay()
		return day;
	public int getMinute()
		return minutes;
	public String toString()
		return ":- " + "Day: " + day + " Minutes: " + minutes;

[public class Interval 
	private TimeStamp clockIn;
	private TimeStamp clockOut;
    private int daysWorked;
	public Interval()
		clockIn = new TimeStamp();
		clockOut = new TimeStamp();
		daysWorked = 0;
	public Interval(TimeStamp clockIn,TimeStamp clockOut,int daysWorked)
		this.clockIn = clockIn;
		this.clockOut = clockOut;
		this.daysWorked = daysWorked;
	public void setClockIn(TimeStamp clockIn)
		this.clockIn = clockIn;
	public void setClockOut(TimeStamp clockOut)
		this.clockOut = clockOut;
	public void setDaysWorked(int daysWorked)
		this.daysWorked = daysWorked;
	public TimeStamp getClockIn()
		return clockIn;
	}public TimeStamp getClockOut()
		return clockOut;
	/** Returns the number of days worked */
	public int getDaysWorked()
		return daysWorked;
	public int getDuration()
		return clockOut.getMinute() - clockIn.getMinute();
	public String toString()
		return "Interval: " + " ClockIn " + clockIn +","+ " ClockOut " + clockOut + " Duration: " + getDuration() 
		+ " DaysWorked " + daysWorked;

[public class IntervalTest 
	public static void main(String[] args)
		Interval I = new Interval();
		I.setTimeStampIn(new TimeStamp(10,100));
		I.setTimeStampOut(new TimeStamp(10,250));
		System.out.println("ClockInTime is " + I.getclockIn().getminute() + "mins");
		System.out.println("ClockOutTime is " + I.getclockOut().getminute() + "mins");
		System.out.println("Duration is " + I.getDuration() + "mins");


[public class TimeSheet implements Iterable<Interval>
	private ArrayList<Interval>intervalList;
	private String name;
	public TimeSheet()
		intervalList = new ArrayList<Interval>();
		name = "-";
	public TimeSheet(String name)
		intervalList = new ArrayList<Interval>();
		this.name = name;
	public void ClearInterval()
	}public void addInterval(Interval L)
	public void setName(String name)
		this.name = name;
	public Iterator<Interval> iterator() 
		return intervalList.iterator();
	public int getNumberOfInterval()
		return intervalList.size();
	public String getName()
		return name;
	public int getNumberOfDays()
		int numberOfDays = 0;
		for (Interval L : intervalList)
			numberOfDays = numberOfDays + L.getDaysWorked();
		return numberOfDays;
	public String toString()
    	String L = "TimeSheet:"+ this.name +"\n";
    	for (int i = 0; i < intervalList.size(); i++) 
            L = L + i + "\t" + intervalList.get(i).toString() +  "\n";
        return L;

[import java.util.ArrayList;
public class TimeSheetTest 

	public static void main(String[] args) 
		TimeSheet timesheet = new TimeSheet();
		ArrayList<Interval> L = new ArrayList<Interval>();
		timesheet.addInterval( new Interval(new TimeStamp(10,210),new TimeStamp(10,360), 12));
		timesheet.addInterval( new Interval(new TimeStamp(30,150),new TimeStamp(30,960), 20));



[public class Employee 
	private String ID;
	private int payPerHour;
	private int minutesWorked;
	private TimeSheet timeSheet;
	public Employee()
		ID = "-";
		payPerHour = 0;
		minutesWorked = 0;
		timeSheet = new TimeSheet();
	public Employee(String ID,int payPerHour,int minutesWorked,TimeSheet timeSheet)
		this.ID = ID;
		this.payPerHour = payPerHour;
		this.minutesWorked = minutesWorked;
		this.timeSheet = timeSheet;
	public void setId(String ID)
		this.ID = ID;
	public void setPayperHour(int payPerHour)
		this.payPerHour = payPerHour;
	public void setMinutesworked(int minutesWorked)
		this.minutesWorked = minutesWorked;
	public void setTimesheet(TimeSheet timeSheet)
		this.timeSheet = timeSheet;
	public void resetMinutesWorked(int minutesWorked)
	public void processtimeSheet()
	public int getpay()
		return payPerHour * minutesWorked;
	public String getid()
		return ID;
	public int getMinutesworked()
		return minutesWorked;
	public int getPayperhour()
		return payPerHour;
	public TimeSheet getTimesheet()
		return timeSheet;
	public String toString()
		return "Employee: " + ID + " PayPerHour: " + payPerHour + " MinutesWorked: " + minutesWorked + 
		" TimeSheet: " + timeSheet + " DailyPay: " + getpay();


[public class EmployeeTest 

	public static void main(String[] args) 
		Employee E = new Employee();




those are the codes I've written so far