Test if a file has a last modified date of within the last 24 hours

Hi there

Im trying to find a way to test whether the last modified time is older than 1 day or not



if [ $my_static_file has a last modified date of within the last 24 hrs ] ; then
   $TOUCHED = "recently"
     $TOUCHED = "not so recently"

ive seen loads of posts where people are using find and the -mtime property but i dont thats applicable in my case, as I have a static file that i want to test every day

is this an easy thing to do?

any help would be great

Like this..?

if [ $(find /path -mtime -1 -type f -name "my_file.txt" 2>/dev/null) ];then

thats brilliant thanks

there was another way I found as well

perl -e 'printf "%d\n" ,(time()-((stat(shift))[9]))/60;' myfile