TEST command

I have been looking into searching various files to display output.

The search criteria will be a month and year to output various numbers in the files.

is there any way to do this with the TEST function or would it have to be another way?

You want grep.

grep 'thing to find ' filename*


would this be along the lines of the right thing do you think?

basically i want to find months and years across numerous files and display them as output.

if i change the "www.athabascau" bit to the filename will it work?

what does 'www.athabascu' have to do with months and years? Show some sample data inside the file

sample date inside the file is:

IP Address - Day -Month - date -Time - Yr

I need to be able to do the search using month and year to output the rows from across multiple hits files.

the www. bit was just from an example i had. sorry i forgot to delete it.