Tera Terminal Emulator

Hello Expert! :b:

Question for you guys, Can anyone tell me how to use terminal emulator on Windows XP to view Solaris config? I have no idea on Solaris and the only thing I could do is to boot it up. Honestly, I have given a tasked to delete all the files and some necessary memory information but I don't know :confused:

My machine:

Ultra Enterprise 450 (2 Disks inside)

Thank you for saving ME:)

How are you connected to the server, by a serial cable or network?

If serial, I would use "Start->Programs->Accessories->Communications->HyperTerminal" using 9600 baud, no parity, 8 bit characters, one stop bit.

If network I would first try telnet as that comes with XP, if that fails then download "Putty" and use that.

Hi Porter!

I am using Tera Term all configured correctly (as far as I know) but it doesn't seem to work well with me. By the way, this is a serial connection and I don't know what should I input next.. Sorry, I am a GNUbie.

See image below: