telnetd daemon


When a client connected to AIX server by telnet is killed/crashes, is there a way for telnetd to recognize that and close/kill the application linked/started by that telnet session?
We have a situation where clients disconnect because of frequent network outages, this leaves the applications in unix server hanging.
If it can do it, is there a frequency/interval we can set for this clean up to happen?


There are some points on that..

  • Telnet is unencrypted and out of date - ssh is the protocol to go for sure.
  • Trying to get a stable network should be the main task in this problem.
  • You might want to check with the process list ps how a dead session is different to a working one. Maybe there is missing an attached process and PPID is different that to working sessions. By that you could set up a small script via cron, that kills dead sessions for clean up.
  • There could be the one or other network option (see man no) that might be related to that, but I don't know if and which. Again, first 2 points of this list are the things to solve. Rest is just ugly workaround.

I would like to add to zaxxons already mentioned points that properly written programs terminate themselves upon losing their terminals if they are not started via "nohup", which explicitly reverses this behavior. If your processes don't honour the SIGHUP signal, why should they honour any other signal?

This leaves "kill -9" and similar desperate measures.

I hope this helps.
