Hi All,

I was implementing a change of TELNET to SSH connectivity, and finding it tough at a point where I was connecting to another unix server through TELNET.

( ps -ef |grep abcd) | TELNET

now I when I tried to replace TELNET with SSH, i am not able to connect.

( ps -ef |grep abcd) | SSH

it is also asking for the password. How can I use avoid automate the password authentication and get through it to be running?

Any ideas will be heartfully appreciated. Am a bit short of time here.. :o


ssh user@ip.address.or.hostname "command to run"

It will ask for your password, but you can authenticate yourself with your public-key:

  1. create a public+private key without a passphrase
ssh-keygen -t dsa
  1. copy the public key part to the file 'authorized_keys' in the .ssh-subdirectory in the homedirectory of the user on the server you are trying to connect to. If that directory doesn't exist, you must create it first.
scp .ssh/ user@ip.address.or.hostname:.ssh/authorized_keys