telnet problem

Hello friends,

The problem is that we have one SunOS5.7 server, while attempting telnet to that server following error is occured - login: fatal: open failed: Too many open files

The login on console is possible. The inetd daemon is running. inetd.conf and services files has entry of telnet.

Please suggest some solution for that. It has become bottleneck of the project.


In your system there is a limit which a process

can open no of files simultaneously...

the process is most likely 'telnetd -a'...

when you are approaching this limit system throws this error...

This could be the possible solution

create more telnetd processes to attend telnet requests..

SYSADMIN can do that

Pls correct me if i am wrong


Limit crossing question will arise only when there is atleast a telnet session. Not a single session possible.


I would believe the error message until it is proven wrong. The error message is claiming that the program in trouble is "login". That seems very odd. But if is true, then the system-wide file table must be too small. So increasing that would be the first thing that I would try. Just increase "maxusers" in /etc/system and reboot. "maxusers" is actually used to size several tables in the kernel.

If this doesn't work, I would next suspect a garbled os and so I would then re-install.