telnet problem in aix

Can somebody help me. Whenever I telnet to my server i received a message

/dev/pts/0: 3004-004 You must "exec" login from the lowest login shell.
Connection closed.

pls help me

I found this in Google's cache, but I can't access the original site so I cant link to it...

I remember having had this problem with 4.x already: after powerup the first login session was cancelled with this rather ominous error - but only, when this login was tried at the serial console. Solution was simply to log on again, the second and every other attempt to log on worked normally.

In the datacenter where I worked at that time (we installed ~100 SP/2-frames over 2 years and experienced the phenomenon many times) we never found out where that comes from and a PMR was (to my knowledge) never closed, but we considered it uncritical.

Question: does the problem remain if you try it a second time (after the error and cancellation of the login screen there should come up a new one) and does it happen regardless of using telnet or a locally attached (serial) terminal console?
