TCL script to extract the file name and then create two independent list

I am having one problem as stated below

Problem Description

I am having some "sv" extension files , I am using "glob" to extract the matching files , Now in these matching files , I need to split them and extract the elements and create different lists.

For example

set files [glob -type f modified_rtl_files/*/*{wrapper_hsm}*]

This command gives me these two files :

modified_rtl_files/mbist_wrapper/ modified_rtl_files/mbi_wrapper/

Now I am extracting the filename with the below command

foreach element $files {
set c [split [ file tail [ file rootname $element ] ] "_" ]
echo $c

This is giving me


But I need to set them to two independent list

$mem1 should be pkram 
$mem2 should be sysram 

Whenever I am trying to create something like this , both the elements are getting printed

foreach element $files {                                                                                       
  set c [split [ file tail [ file rootname $element ] ] "_" ]
set d [ lindex $c 3] 
set mem1 [ lindex  $d 0 ]                                                                                                        
puts $mem1                                                                                                                       

It is printing both


I want independent variables .

[My tcl knowledge is limited,]
Do you know the two values pkram and sysram in advance? Then you can use two globs:
glob -type f modified_rtl_files/*/*{wrapper_hsm_pkram}* and
glob -type f modified_rtl_files/*/*{wrapper_hsm_sysram}*
And construct each variable separately from it.