Tar files larger than 2GB


Does anyone know if it is possible to tar files larger than 2GB? The reason being is they want me to dump a single file (which is around 20GB) to a tape drive and they will restore it on a Solaris box. I know the tar have a limitation of 2GB so I am thinking of a way how to overcome this. Or is there an easy way to put this into tape and other Unix/Linux platform will be able to read. Thanks.

One suggestion - split the file into smaller pieces with split or csplit, tar up each piece.

Yes, tar can archive files 8GB. man tar (AIX6.1)

Few versions of tar has -z/ -Z option to directly create a zipped/ Compressed tar. U can try that out. it might work.

Hi john1212,

I have tried but not working. The -z is only for gnutar. I am planning to use gnutar and install it.


Hi, im no expert in this, but Have u tried to check ur zip version

gunzip -V

sometimes downloading newer versions might help. just a suggestion

perhaps you are right with the tar limitation,

but 2gb limit sounds to me like the standard ulimit for the maximum file size

check the

ulimit -f 


for funksen:
Maximum JFS2 file size: 16TB
Help -
you can change ulimit -f ...........
or change default /etc/security/limits
for depam:
You're wrong. It is'nt my proposition tar with option -z.

What format is this 20Gb single file? Seems unlikely that it is a text file.
Is the file from a popular database engine where you have database tools and/or a programming language to process the file?

If you are on a computer with 2Gb limits, what has been done to allow you to create a 20Gb single file?

Do you have say 40 Gb free space on the source computer?

Any chance of a fast network connection between the IBM and Sun computers?

I can't remember where in my post I wanted to know this, but thanks anyway...

This article on google answers is pertinent:
Google Answers: UNIX Question! tar size constraint.
It seems to imply that if you using a reasonably new version of GNU tar, and your filesystem supports 64-bits, then it will likely support the large file you intend to write.

Yes, it's my mistake.