Table to send mail

I have two details to send in html email, two details present in variables, Processname & date which I need to send html email in table. Column1 is

Processname: Process1

& column 2 is

date:16/6/16 4:55 AM 

I have below basic html code, how to create table in html to send mail

echo "<html>" >> email.html
echo "<head>" >> email.html 
echo "</head>" >> email.html
echo "<body>" >>email.html
echo "<p> hello, table gives process details </p>" >>email.html
echo "</body>" >>email.html
echo "</html>" >>email.html

echo ""
echo ""
echo "subject:test hymn email"
cat email.html )| sendmail -t

Simplistic starting point:

echo "<table>"
echo "<td>$Column1</td>"
echo "<td>$Column2</td>"
echo "</table>"