Tab key and History


I'm newbie with HP-UX. My Unix install with DB Oracle. In linux, when we type directory we don't need to type full. We can use Tab key. In Unix, i cannot use Tab key and i need to write whole directory. Other thing, how use Arrow key in Unix? I mean use command already i type.

Is it possible? If possible how achieve that? I'm familiar with Linux only. Just got this new Unix server. Please assist me.


HP-UX uses a different shell than most Linux distributions, and with different settings too. You're probably set to use ksh with vi keys.
If you want to auto-complete something, try hitting escape twice.
To move around the line, or to previous commands hit escape once, and then 'h' and 'l' to move left and right, and 'j' and 'k' to move down and up.

Or maybe get in touch with your SA and ask about having your shell changed to something more familiar.