T5220 Console Problem

Hi Peeps,
Apologies if this is the wrong forum for this, if it is can someone point me in the direction of the right one?


I've dropped an XVR-300 Graphics card into a T5220, configured it to output and input from the screen and keyboard instead of the virtual console. It comes up to the ok prompt but then if you boot it off it's internal disk or CD, the console just locks up (no virtual either). Can anyone offer me some pointers to fix this??

Thanks in advance


Can you check whats the part-number of the XVR-300 graphics card?

the new cool threads servers are having issues with consoles/ilom etc. reboot server to clear console and update firmware for lom. see if you are still getting the same error. bug id: 136932-04 is where i found most info.

Agree with pupp. I have encountered console hanging on this system and was resolved after updating the firmware. :b: