System should not kill the child process when parent id is 1

HI i would like to know how i can simulate a shell scripts for my requirement.


Server name child Process id Parent Process id 
Vpesh          16013              15637   
Server name child Process id Parent Process id 
Vpesh          16014              15637   
Server name child Process id Parent Process id 
Vpesh          16015              15638
Server name child Process id Parent Process id 
Vpesh          16016              15638      

Most of the time we restart our server by killing child processes ids , so processes will come again with new child id and parent id . My requirement is - When Parent Process id is 1 that time system should not kill the child processes , it should display one msg" Parent Process id is 1 , you should kill this process" .
How can i simulate this ?

This is simple command i wrote to kill only child processes ids but it doesn't look for parent id .. so whenever parent id is 1 , this command is killing child processes .which is not acceptable .

kill -9 `ps -ef | grep processes | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`


Welcome to the forum!

With that little context it is difficult to give really valuable advice accounting for all sort of possible caveats. Modifying / improving ONLY your given pipe to include your request, try:

ps -ef | awk '/[p]rocesses/ && $3 != 1 {print $2}'