System crash when update TL

Hello everyone

I have a partition with the TL 5300-06-01-0000 and try to update to this TL 5300-09-03-0918 but suddenly the update dont work more. I get in to the HMC and I see this code error 888 102 700 0C5

I try to restart my partition but doesnt work.

Theres someone who has this problem before.

Thanks for your tips

Aix 5.3

This is related to boot device could not be opened or read you may have to do mksysb recovery of your system.

Thanks for your reply ravager

Its possible to boot my partition to maintenance mode and take my mksysb file from there.

I got a mksysb but I got in this partition.

Thanks again for your tips

You might be able to boot the partition from an AIX install CD and mount the rootfs then copy the mksysb to tape or start the network and copy it off.


Now I can boot from cd I do that and access to volume group without mounting file systems and start to mount one by one but when I try to mount /usr I got this error

# mount /dev/hd2
Could not load program sh:
Dependent module /usr/lib/libc.a(shr.o) could not be loaded.
File /usr/lib/libc.a is not an
archive or the file could not be read properly.
System error: Exec format error

I try to mount this fs and try to type smitty install, then Software Maintenance and Utilities, then Reject Applied Software Updates.

All this to try to reject the update TL that I try to install before.

There�s some way to fix the error. or some way to get my mksysb because I saw the fs but when I type ls to see the file I dont see anything because /usr its not mount.

Thanks for your tips

Hello everyone

I can rescue my mksysb.
From rootvg I cant access to them, in rootvg I have one mksysb but I have another mksysb on a 3rd disk that there is on a san.

My question was how can I get my mksysb from the san ?

Then asking here asking there. the best way to do this or in my personal problem was remove the fcs from my partition failed, move dynamic to another partition, type cfgmgr and then you will see antoher fcs on the partition then you will see another disk and you can mount your vg and get your mksysb and then restore from mksysb image.

The vg where its the mksysb image was not rootvg was another vg

Im in this point I will let you know how finish all this.

Thanks your tips and if someone has a similar problem this is some way to resolve the problem

Hello everyone

Im in the last step I think of my problem.

Im restore from mksysb on dvd. I create 4 dvd, the first three one pass ok but in the last one I get this message

Missing header block

Attempting to resync alter error ..... resync at file ./usr/sys/inst.images/rsct.core.rmc.

BOS Install restore of base operating system from CDROM failed



2.-perform system maintenance and then continue

Enter id number:

My question its:

1.-I choose the first and there is no problem if I dont install this bff
2.-Or I need to reburn this dvd and try again

Thanks for your comments and tips

rsct stuff should not stop the OS working and you can reinstall the rsct filesets once the OS is up and running again, but I'd try a second time to cut the DVD if you can to save the trouble of fixing it after the restore.

Thanks for your comments

I choose to continue with the installation but I get this message

Could not copy volume group information to the disk

And give the same options



2.-perform system maintenance and then continue

Do you think there�s a problem with the hard disk.

Thanks again

Hello everyone

Finally I got my partition up again.

I need to do this.

I need to create again my images from my mksysb, but before I do this. I need to edit the file and make some changes, this file was on the first dvd image image that I create.

Then I create again my dvd images

I restore from this new images and I can recreate the nksysb image. and then I got my partition again.

All this Its for someone who has similar problem

Thanks to everyone for your tips