system command

In my code am openeing a mozilla in Solaris with some url using sytem(url)
this is working fine for most of the urls but for url of type-

it is passing only to the browser & thus the url is not opening properly.
Why is system command truncating the addr on '&'. is there any alternative. exec also doesnt work


Why not use exec along with the information given in this page - remote

Thats what we do.

as in exec(mozilla -remote "openurl(" ) ????

Yes something like that. But not exactly that. You need to look in the man pages to see the exec family of calls. Pick the one that suits you.

openurl is a standard function or some user function?
I am using w3tool which is configured to open mozilla. the command tht am currntly using is system("w3tool -oa url");
as i said b4 this is opening all urls except of types "action=abc&22"

openurl is known to mozilla. It is one of the command line parameters that mozilla accepts.


U can use sysem like below to url ABC Home Page -

system("mozilla ABC Home Page -\&a=23");

The & has special meaning i.e, run the process in back ground, So u have to use \ to treat it as & only.

THanks yashvant, it is working now. i replaced & with \\&.