System chrashe , dropped into Busybox

This is the mistake that i've done :

First of all go to /etc/apt/sources.list folder from terminal or using file manager ...

than copy the content of sources.list in to your adequate source.list.

Create a file named and paste the same content

In the end open the Final.txt copy - paste in your terminal to accept a public key and that's it , your done

The files that I've uploaded are without .txt suffix

For some reason it's dropping me in BUSYBOX , I've tried a lot of things to fix it but non of them worked.

Detailed Info

OK , i was working with my PC Running ubuntu based OS and then opened synaptic package manager to install something but the manager was having problem finding the source of packages , i opened the terminal
-> cd /etc/apt/sources.list then copied and changed the source servers , and replaced the original ones with this servers :

deb Index of revolution main microverse non-free testing
deb revolution main microverse non-free testing
deb BackTrack Linux Repositoryrevolution main microverse non-free testing

and again tried to install a program from synaptic , but this time it required GnuPG(PGP Public key).
Then again opened the terminal -> wget && sudo apt-key add backtrack.gpg && sudo apt-get update

then installation worked well , i was able to install every package from synaptic , everything looked fine , until i rebooted the system.

After that every time that i'm trying to boot the old system it drops me to BusyBOX.
Please tell me for more detailed explanation .

This is the link of those files :

Theres the output of busybox :
Gave up waiting for root device common problem :
-Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)
-check rootdelay = (did the system for the right device ?)
-Missing modules (cat /proc/modules): ls /dev)
Alert /dev/disk/by-uuid/my UUID does not exist , Dropping to a shell!

Btw i've tried fixing the UUID from grub bootloader , i think that's not the problem , but anyway i'm sure.

Again Thank you so much !