System Check Performance Tuning

Hello Forum,

Well I am fairly new to this Solaris os thing. One thing I would like to check for system health and performance.
I know the codes like

prstat,vmstat,sar,iostat,netstat,prtdiag -v,

What else does a want to be sys admin have to look for when checking a solaris box?
I know

prtdiag -v

gives a pretty good description regarding the processors, fans, scsi controllers. What do you guys recommend?
Any advice is appreciated

Firstly, welcome.

Manual pages can give you lots of information and references to other commands. Try:-

man vmstat
man ps
man iostat
man netstat

There are often real-time monitors included, such as nmon or top and there may be others that can be suggested. Are you particularly worried about something? Do you have any symptoms?

I hope that this helps.


I am currently working with Solaris 8 and 9. I just need to see if the system hardware is in good working condition, network connectivity, Ram issuies... just don't know what to look for because I don't have have GUI hardware diagnostic tool that generates all the fancy graphics regrading the system information and such.

FWIW - if those systems are still under Oracle (sun) support you can get STB (explorer)\_10\_explorer\_data_collection
... This link is for Solaris 10. Explorer (STB 6.0) will install and run on different versions of the OS, I believe.

This is the analysis tool oracle support expects you to have when there is a problem (and you create a help ticket with them). It is usually already installed on old systems because sooner or later you have to call support. Works on all platforms.

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