System booting to maintenance mode

Hi Guys,
I have a sunblade 1500. I booted the system and it booted to maintenance mode. How can I fix this?

Thanks lots

What version of Solaris running on it? If it's older than Solaris 10, post output of this:

grep initdefault /etc/inittab

Thanks admin_xor. The system is running solaris 10.


Post the output of

grep initdefault /etc/inittab

Before diving into fixing things, we need to determine what to fix. To determine that we need to have an idea about what's going wrong. So, check the boot log for any possible error messages.

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Post the output of

svcs -xv
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Can you post more information.

When it goes into maintenance mode does it say why? (Like unable to mount this or that?)

Unusual to go to maintenance with no error or explanation.

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Thanks guys, I was able to figure out the problem.

Glad you did. Can you share what was the root cause with the rest of us ?

The svc.startd could not start all the required services for the server to boot to level 3. I read the message and I had no clue. So I went back to my DVD from oracle and read about SMF after taking a nap to clear my head. It was tough.

So many services could not be started. They all went to the maintenance state. I copied a backup service repository to fix the problem....
See methods below:

1) Run this command and follow instructions

# /lib/svc/bin/restore_repository

This did not work properly. So I did number 2.


# pstop svc.startd
# pkill svc.configd
# cp /etc/svc/repository.db /etc/svc/safe_repository.db
# cp /lib/svc/seed/global.db /etc/svc/repository.db
# init 0
ok boot -m verbose

The repository database was built as if the system was starting for the first time after installation. It worked. There is another method to fix services in maintenance state but I did not use it because I had solved the problem. Oh I almost forgot. The reason the services where going to maintenance state was because I deleted the root entry in /etc/vfstab to do some practice work . How to boot a server if the root partition cannot be mounted from disk.

Thanks Guys