
what does the fields in /etc/cron.d/systat mean?
my systat file contains

# Run system activity accounting tool every 10 minutes
*/10 * * * * root /usr/lib/sa/sa1 -S DISK 1 1
# 0 * * * * root /usr/lib/sa/sa1 -S DISK 600 6 &
# Generate a daily summary of process accounting at 23:53
53 23 * * * root /usr/lib/sa/sa2 -A

Thanx in advance.:slight_smile:

refer crontab explanation

min hour dayofmonth monthofyear dayofweek command
0 12 14 2 * mailx john%Happy Birthday!%Time for lunch.

Lines that can be in the crontab file.

minute (0-59),
hour (0-23),
day of the month (1-31),
month of the year (1-12),
day of the week (0-6 with 0=Sunday).

what does this line mean?
/usr/lib/sa/sa1 -S DISK 1 1

These are crons to accumulate system performance statistics into sadd files (sa1) and summarises system performance statistics into sardd files (sa2). The output files are usually in /usr/adm/sa or /var/adm/sa (depends on the system).
The crons are explained at length in "man sa1" .

The day files are readable with the "sar" command. See "man sar" for your system.
# Today's CPU stats so far
# CPU stats from the 2nd of the month
sar -f /usr/adm/sa/sa02
# Today's disc stats
sar -d

(cross post)
I don't have "-S DISK1" parameter on my system. See "man sa1" for your system.

SA1(8) Linux User�s Manual SA1(8)

sa1 - Collect and store binary data in the system activity daily data file.

/usr/lib/sa/sa1 [ interval count ]

The sa1 command is a shell procedure variant of the sadc command and handles all of the flags and parameters of that command. The sa1
command collects and store binary data in the /var/log/sa/sadd file, where the dd parameter indicates the current day. The interval
and count parameters specify that the record should be written count times at interval seconds. If you do not specify these parame-
ters, a single record is written.

   The sa1 command is designed to be started automatically by the cron command.

venkatareddy, methyl thanx...
but i need to know about the options with sa1 command i.e, -S DISK...what does these two options signifies?

Please browse for sloaris sa1 ,sa2 manuals

but i am using centos 6

i dont know exactly about -S means ,but a helpful info i am pasting please explore more
on this

Recording disk statistics with sysstat on RHEL/CentOS

Unlike on Debian-like systems, the default configuration for sysstat�s sa1 collector on RHEL/CentOS does not include disk statistics (like you would get from iostat) in the sa collection output. This is due to a missing flag in the cron.d fragment that calls sa1. The �-A� flag to sa1 defies reasonable assumption about its function, and does not include disk statistics, so we have to specify �-d� manually.

To enable disk statistics collection/trending, edit /etc/cron.d/sysstat and change the following:

*/10 * * * * root /usr/lib64/sa/sa1 1 1

to this:

*/10 * * * * root /usr/lib64/sa/sa1 -d 1 1

(Obviously, replace �lib64 with �lib� as appropriate for i386 systems.)

Either wait for the next sa log rotation (at midnight) for sa1 to begin collecting disk statistics, or delete your current day�s statistics. sa1, for whatever historical reason, does not add new counters to an existing sa log file.

Thanx venkatareddy.
i googled it for some time, and i got info about everything else except "-S DISK"....:frowning: