Syslog-ng does not start Solaris 9

I have been installing syslog-ng on our Solaris 9 servers. All ov them are working except two which return the following error:

    # /etc/init.d/syslog start
    syslog-ng service starting.
    Error binding socket; addr='AF_INET(', error='Address already in use (125)'
    Error initializing source driver; source='inputs'

Any ideas what I'm missing here?

I think its because you have in.rshd enabled in /etc/inetd.conf
Try to comment out the following 2 lines, and kill -HUP the inetd process

shell   stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/in.rshd       in.rshd
shell   stream  tcp6    nowait  root    /usr/sbin/in.rshd       in.rshd

I'd have though it was becuase the old version of syslog is still running - port 514 ( is listed as the syslog port in /etc/services...

Use ps -ef | grep syslog to make sure it's not already running something on that port.

If not and you still get the error, check netstat -an | grep 514 to see if anything else is holding the port open.
If it does and you have lsof, then use lsof -i :514 to find the culprit

That was it! The rshd processes were suppose to have been disabled during hardening, but I guess a couple slipped through the cracks.

Thanks to both of you for the great responses!

Glad to be of help.. Maybe you can help me now.
I posted a question and have had no responses regarding the syslog-ng.conf file. Have a look here and comment if you can.


It is possible to change the listening port of syslog-ng from syslog-ng.conf file.
You can add the following line to the conf file:

source remote_src { tcp(ip(yr.ip.add.ress) port(1099) ); };

Then, syslog-ng will listen on tcp port 1099.


Or instead of using tcp port 514, you could use udp port 514