sysback hangs

I've set sysback to run in the cron daily to backup my servers to a nim servers SAN storage. Every once and a while the backup process hangs and the backup doesn't complete. When I check the processes the sysback processes are still running hours after sysback would normally end. I don't see any errors in the error log. Any ideas on what may cause sysback to hang? Where can I find sysback logs to see if sysback has errors?

AFAIK, Sysback does not write anything to the error log. Any output would go to stdout/stderr, which should be captured in the mail message that cron sends to root when the job ends. Please confirm you are running the latest level of Sysback, which is 6.12. If not 6.1, at least 5.6.8 with efix4. The patches are at and
It may not "solve" your problem, but maybe you can apply a bandaid to it. Run sysback from a script as a background job (capture stdout/stderr to a log file). Capture the background process ID ($!) and periodically check for its existence (kill -0 $pid). If it runs too long, kill it. At least it won't hang there indefinitely and cause a problem with a subsequent run.