Syntax to execute tmadmin command

Could you please help me with the syntax to execute tmadmin command in AIX server?

I have a script that works fine in Linux (OEL). Below is the one :

tmadmin 2> /dev/null > /tmp/psstat1 <<EOF

I need the corresponding one in AIX. The same command is not working. Tried making some modifications. But didn't work.

Could you please help me?

What isnt working?
The best would be to show us the error message you get...

Sorry for bugging. There was mistake from my side. The TUXCONFIG value was not properly set. It's been corrected and is working now.

Now the problem is that, when scheduled through the crontab, the tmadmin commands are not working. I tried setting all the values that were set, when I ran manually (successful execution). But didn't help.

Below is the execution sequence (I got by including set -x) for the set of commands given in my earlier note. What I could make out from this is that, after the tmadmin gets executed, the tmadmin command (psr) isn't getting executed. Probably the commands within EOF isn't getting executed.

+ 1>> /aa/test/scripts/test.log
+ tmadmin
+ 2> /dev/null + echo
+ 1>> /aa/test/scripts/test.log

Could you please help me with this?

When jobs execute properly in interactive mode but not when using cron, 99% of time the issues are because the environment is not set...
How do you set the environement for Tuxedo? using a profile file you source e.g.

 . /~/profile4tux 

in which case add that as first line of your script you use in cron

What do you find in /var/adm/cron/log ?

I have no more Tuxedo now ( used to run on HPUX...) but sure you have to set the PATH correctly, cron only knows of /bin:/usr/bin...