syntax of mailx


I have written a code :

mailx -s "FOR TESTING" ""

but it is not running and not giving any error msg and also not sending
any mail. It takes infinite time.

Please help me.

Check whether your inputs are correct.

If not you can use the mailx command like

mailx -s "FOR TESTING" "" <<EOF
This is going to be body of the mail 



echo "This is going to be body of the mail" |mailx -s "FOR TESTING" "" 

its work.


also you can do really clever stuff like so, send an attachment and run some commands

mailx -s hello <<EOF
`uuencode file file`

find the file attached on
cksum should be 
`cksum file`


note the uuencode should really be the first line and have no spaces
before it

Try using following command -

mailx -ms "FOR TESTING" ""