Syntax for screen with -h option

Hi Team,

I am using Linux OS. I am using the screen command and I am able to see few lines in the screen. I want to see more line in my screen. I want to use the screen with -h option. Please let me know how to use this command. So that I can see more line in my screen session.

�-h num'
Set the history scrollback buffer to be num lines high. Equivalent to the defscrollback command.

Please give the example to use this command.
I have started my screen session using "screen -S screen1"


You use -h option per manual screen -h 1000 -S myscreenname
When screen is attached use ctrl + a followed by an escape (copy mode)

You should be able to scroll back 1000 lines using arrow keys and/or pgup/pgdown.

There is also a possibility to log the session to a file.

Hope that helps