Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string

I keep having problems when exicuting this file. It always gives me the error message "36: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string"
If someone could help me edit this it would be much appreciated.

# This will continue adding numbers
# untill the total is greater than 1,000
if test $num1=0
        echo "Please enter two numbers."
        read num1 Total
        echo "The number you entered is $num1"
        Total = `expr $Total + $num1`
  elif test $num1>0
        echo "The current value is $Total."
        echo "Please enter another number."
        read num1
        echo "The number you entered is $num1"
        Total = `expr $Total + $num1`
  elif test $num1<0
        echo "I'm sorry, the value you entered is invalid"
        echo "Please enter a number that is greater than zero."
        read num1
        echo "The number you entered is $num1"
        Total = `expr $Total + $num1`"
        echo "Total is greater than 1,000\n"
        echo "CAN NOT COMPUTE!!!!!\n"
        echo "System shutdown"

delete the red "

I looked over that section so many times and can't believe I missed that.

another thing, I can't seem to get the following to appear
Total = `expr $Total + $num1`

besides that i need it to loop intil the final value reaches higher than 1000

If anyone could help, again it would be much appreciated.

delete the spaces...

Total=$(expr ...+...)

Thanks again.