Syntax error near unexpected token


While executing the below script im getting the error at line 30. Please let me know what changes to be done to fix this. line 30: syntax error near unexpected token `done' line 30: ` done '

# Rev. PA1
# author: eillops
# date: 26-04-2018
# Script to import the AUC/HLR/MNP data into Testlab CUDB with Slapadd and ldapadd
#! /usr/bin/awk -f

sed -n '/dn: serv=AAA,mscId=/,/^\s*$/p' full.ldif > temp ; sed -n '/,ou=multiSCs,dc=btc/,/^\s*$/p' temp > serv_AAA_DS.ldif ; rm temp
if [[ -f "serv_AAA_DS.ldif" && -s "serv_AAA_DS.ldif" ]]; then 
    echo -e "serv_AAA_DS.ldif file created and will be splitted into 8 smaller files for ldapadd"
    awk  '
    NR == 1 {("stat -c%s " FILENAME) | getline SZ
             SZ /= 8
             FN  = FILENAME "_" ++c;
            {if (CNT > SZ)  {if (FN) close(FN)
                             FN  = FILENAME "_" ++c;
                             CNT = 0
             CNT += length
             print $0 ORS  >  FN
    ' RS= serv_AAA_DS.ldif
    for (( w=1; w <= 8; ++w ))
        #$nohup ldapadd -x -c -h PL0 -p 389 -D "$LDAP_USER" -w $LDAP_PWD -f serv_AAA_DS.ldif_$w > serv_AAA_DS.ldif_$w.log 2>&1 &
    echo -e "#####################################################"
    serv_AAA_DS_count=`cat serv_AAA_DS.ldif | grep '^dn: ' | wc -l`
    echo -e "Count of serv AAA DS entry in Input : $serv_AAA_DS_count"
    serv_AAA_DS_count_load=`cat serv_AAA_DS.ldif_*.log | grep 'adding new entry' | wc -l`
    serv_AAA_DS_count_fail=`cat serv_AAA_DS.ldif_*.log | egrep -v "adding new entry|^$|No such file or directory" | wc -l`
    echo -e "Count of serv AAA DS imported : $serv_AAA_DS_count_load"
    echo -e "Count of serv AAA DS Failed   : $serv_AAA_DS_count_fail"
    echo -e "#####################################################"
    echo -e "If failure count is not (0), cross-check the serv_AAA_DS.ldif_*.log\n"
    echo -e "serv_AAA_DS.ldif is empty and will be removed \n"
    rm serv_AAA_DS.ldif

Thanks in advance.

Due to the line commented out, the shell sees

     for (( w=1; w <= 8; ++w ));     do      done

which it doesn't like. Try adding e.g. a : (NOP) statement.