Switch Case not working

My switch case is not working properly. When I press 6 or 'r' it prints out all the names of the project and the error message.


while true; do

    read -p "Enter project number (1/2/3/10/20/30):" menu
    #grabs the informations of the project number and stores it into a menu
    case "${menu}" in
          1)  awk -F ":"  '/'$menu:'/ {print "Project Name: ", $1}' project.txt
          2)  awk -F ":"  '/'$menu:'/ {print "Project Name: ", $1}' project.txt
          3)  awk -F ":"  '/'$menu:'/ {print "Project Name: ", $1}' project.txt
          10) awk -F ":"  '/'$menu:'/ {print "Project Name: ", $1}' project.txt
          20) awk -F ":"  '/'$menu:'/ {print "Project Name: ", $1}' project.txt
          30) awk -F ":"  '/'$menu:'/ {print "Project Name: ", $1}' project.txt
          *)  echo "No project exists with the given project number: ${menu}"
    var2=$(awk -F ":" '/'$menu:'/ {print $4}' project.txt)
    var3=$(awk -F ":" '/':$var2:'/ {print $3}' department.txt)
    cut -d ":" -f 1-4 employee.txt > temp.txt

awk -F ":" '/'$var3'/ {print "Managers Name: ", $1,$2,$3}' temp.txt
/bin/rm temp.txt

    awk -F ":" -v MEN=$menu '$2==MEN { hours += $3; } END { printf "Total Employee Hours: %.2f\n", hours }' works_on.txt

    awk -F ":" -v ID=$var3 '$1==ID { count ++ } END { printf "Total number of dependents: " count "\n"}' dependent.txt

    read -p "Would you like to process another project? [y/n]" yn
    case $yn in
        [Yy]* ) ;;
        [Nn]* ) exit;;
        *) echo "Please select proper entry:";;

Try this:

         *)  echo "No project exists with the given project number: ${menu}"