swinstall issues

what the heck am I doing wrong? Im trying to install bastille and i keep getting errors.

# cd -
# ls
B6849AA_B.02.01.03.depot catalog swagent.log var
# swinstall -s /var/spool/sw B6849AA

======= 10/04/07 09:47:43 EDT BEGIN swinstall SESSION
(non-interactive) (jobid=uxhp100-0027)

   * Session started for user "root@uxhp100".

   * Beginning Selection
   * Target connection succeeded for "uxhp100:/".

ERROR: There is currently no depot software on host "uxhp100" at
location "/var/spool/sw". Make sure that an absolute pathname
is specified for location (beginning with "/").
* Source connection failed for "uxhp100:/var/spool/sw".
WARNING: More information may be found in the daemon logfile on this
target (default location is uxhp100:/var/adm/sw/swagentd.log).
* Selection had errors.

======= 10/04/07 09:47:43 EDT END swinstall SESSION (non-interactive)

swinstall -s /var/spool/sw B6849AA_B.02.01.03.depot

======= 10/04/07 09:49:13 EDT BEGIN swinstall SESSION
(non-interactive) (jobid=uxhp100-0028)

   * Session started for user "root@uxhp100".

   * Beginning Selection
   * Target connection succeeded for "uxhp100:/".

ERROR: There is currently no depot software on host "uxhp100" at
location "/var/spool/sw". Make sure that an absolute pathname
is specified for location (beginning with "/").
* Source connection failed for "uxhp100:/var/spool/sw".
WARNING: More information may be found in the daemon logfile on this
target (default location is uxhp100:/var/adm/sw/swagentd.log).
* Selection had errors.

======= 10/04/07 09:49:14 EDT END swinstall SESSION (non-interactive)

swinstall -s /var/spool/sw/B6849AA_B.02.01.03.depot B6849AA

you da ma, thanks that worked

/usr/sbin/swinstall is sufficient to bring a text menu.

After that, in the depot field, write the full path to the .depot file (starting with the root / )

Thank's a lot Perderabo

it works!
I've been searching everywhere how to make the system recognice the depot file.
swlist told me my depot file was correct
swinstall told me there were no depot file

swinstall -s /var/spool/sw/B6849AA_B.02.01.03.depot #that's what I used
swinstall -s /var/spool/sw/B6849AA_B.02.01.03.depot B6849AA #is the correct

thank you again