Swap config - Mirror swap or not?

Hello and thanks in advance.

I have a Sun box with raid 1 on the O/S disks using solaris svm.
I want to unmirror my swap partition, and add the slice on the second disk as an additional swap device. This would give me twice as much swap space.

I have been warned not to do this by some peers.

I have set it up in test and pulled out the primary drive and the system kept runnnig and i was able to boot off one disk just like if i had mirrored it.

Can anyone give me a good reason to mirror swap??

You will crash and burn if you lose the unmirrored swap area. The idea of mirroring is mostly to survive the loss of a disk with no impact or maybe just a performance hit. Rerun your test using enough vm to ultilize swap.

You bring up a very intersting point.

My test system was definitly not using swap at the time of my "disk pull out" test.

I will try your test.



Don't forget to add some metadb replicas to the second disk too :wink: