svn keyrings


I have a svn account and can use it easly trought Web browser
inserting username and passwd.
But I get problems when I wanna do the same via shell,
here the output that I get:

svn --username myusername co https://address/repo/ .
Password for '(null)' GNOME keyring: 
svn: OPTIONS di 'https://address/repo/': authorisation failed: challenge Basic refused (


I get the same output if use different command:

svn --username myusername co https://myusername@address/repo/ .
svn co https://myusername@address/repo/ .

I think the problem depends on keyring, in same sense seems it doesn't know my username and ask for ('null') login, that's right?
Do anyone have an idea how to figure out a solution?


sorry guys solved quickly I just removed:

rm ~/.gnome2/keyrings/login.keyring

as suggested on line, and it works.
Hope it helps
