Suse Security Settings


PermitEmptyPasswords is set to No

\# grep "^PermitEmptyPasswords"    /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitEmptyPasswords no

If there is no output does it implies 'As parameter was not set mean system will also not accepted emptypassword.'

Users is not allowed to set Environment Options

# grep PermitUserEnvironment   /etc/ssh/sshd_config

 PermitUserEnvironment no

Similiarly if there is no output does it implies that : As the environment was not set mean user restrict from environment option.

  1. Where is a question?

  2. Look at man 5 sshd_config, you'll see their default values for your system. Or run:

$ sshd -f /dev/null -T

grep "^PermitEmptyPasswords" /etc/ssh/sshd_config if there is not output does it mean that empty password is not allowed?