SuSe Linux Mount

Hi everyone, I am new to Linux and I hope to have some advise.

Suppose I have 2 differnt users who require differnt mount drives. When user1 logs in, his required drives are mounted. When user2 logs in, user1's drives are unmounted and user2's drives are mounted.

May I know how I can achieve this? Many thanks in advance.

Hi Viper81,

You can do this very easily with the pam_mount facility which is installed as standard on SuSE.

This is configured via the /etc/security/pam_mount.conf file. See "man pam_mount" for details. There's also a ton of guides on the net, have a google for "pam_mount suse".

Hope this helps,


Hi Craig,

Many thanks for your reply. I am using SuSe Linux 9 and I could not find any pam_mount.conf in the /etc folder. I forgot to also add that the drives to be mounted are located on a different computer (Windows).

Sorry but I am pretty new to Linux.