SUSE 9 - problems accessing CD ROM drive

I've got SUSE 9 installed on a removable hard drive and the system is up and running fine.

I'm trying to copy stuff off a CD onto one of my Linux partitions but I am getting an errors :

  • Could not read /media/cdrom/file1.tar.tar

I can browse to the file location on the CD by using the file manager or just from a shell. I just cant copy the file across...

Any hints??

I have tried to mount and unmount the cd-rom, but I keep getting a message "Device busy"

I'm starting to lose my hair with this.....

It should just work. Can't see why it's not.

What are the permissions of the files on the CD?

ls -l /media/cdrom

Also, when you try umounting, is your pwd still somewhere on the cdrom?

You'll need to "cd" out of the CDROM filesystem before umounting, or it will be busy.

Also, are you sure the file has got two .tar extensions?


I ensured that my pwd was not on the CD-ROM when I tried to unmount & mount it. Still said 'device busy'

I did an "ls -l" on /media/cdrom & I got back


Positive about the file having two .tar extensions.... just re-checked it.

What does

grep "cdrom" /etc/fstab

give you? And also,

ls -l /dev/cdrom

If worst comes to the worst, just reboot the thing, then that will force a dismount anyway. Then when it boots, try

mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom

and mount manually as root. See what happens.


for the commands you gave, zazzy, here are the results

% grep "cdrom" /etc/fstab

/dev/cdrom /media/cdrom auto ro, noauto, user, exec 0 0

% ls -l /dev/cdrom

lrwxrwxrwx 1root root 3 June 12:51 /dev/cdrom -> hdd

I'm going to try the mount command as soon as I get a chance to reboot.

Ta muchily!!! :cool:

I just tried the mount command exactly as you said and I got the following back :

mount: no media found

Is there media (i.e. a CD) in the drive?

It was empty when I tried to mount it. Should I put a cd into it?

Yep, you can't mount nothing! :wink:

I put in a cd..... and I am still getting an Input/Output error when I tried to do a cp command from the cdrom to the root drive..... :frowning:

Does using a different CD yield the same results?

When you say an Input/Output, what is the full-text of the error message?

Try with a different CD first, this may prove if it's a drive fault, as your /etc/fstab and other config appears okay.