Suse 8 /var Directory

Hi there,
I'm working on a Suse 8 based system and picked up that the crontab was missing. after some investigation i realized that the hole /var directory is missing. :mad:

I would like to now if its common for this directory to go missing?
Can I copy another Suse 8 /var directory to this one? or would it break the machine?

Kind Regards

Maybe it is just not mounted. Check

grep var /etc/fstab

As far as I know its not set up as a partition.
This machine was not rebooted for 40 days.
# uptime
8:01pm up 40 days, 11:37, 0 users, load average: 3.08, 3.06, 3.05
When I do "grep var /etc/fstab" its not showing anything.

Do you think this will come back after a reboot?

Kind Regards

Maybe something was mounted over "var" (unlikely but possible). Check

mount | grep var

If I run this i just get a #. What does that mean?? LOL
mount | grep var

Can you post full command that you run with its output?

This is what I'm getting on both commands.

0091173:/ #
0091173:/ # grep var /etc/fstab
0091173:/ #
0091173:/ # mount | grep var
0091173:/ #

So there is nothing mounted over /var. And what does this produce:

find /var

That is more or less my problem...

0091173:/ # find /var
find: /var: No such file or directory
0091173:/ #

Strange. There should at least be the mount point even if the fs is missing.

Check the partitions on your local disks: maybe /var got unmounted somehow. If this is the case you could just recreate the mount point and mount it.

To check them list all partitions on your local disks and mount everything not already mounted elsewhere and being of linux fs partition type on a temporary directory.

I hope this helps.


PS: if you find your /var this way have a word with your colleagues: this has not happened all by itself.

Here's another thought. Why are you still on such an ancient operating system? My serious suggestion, for security and stability's sake, is to get onto something less than 10 years old.

SUSE Linux distributions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What is the output of df -h? If that does not exist, try df -k.