Surfing the Internet problems with multiple browsers

Could anyone explain why I am having trouble surfing the internet with both firefox and konqueror? Chromium seems to be the only browser that will work. I tried to create a new profile with firefox and that didn't work either. I can ping things just fine, I can download stuff with wget, I can ssh into servers. I don't understand what the problem is. Any ideas would be appreciated.


From the browser check DNS server settings and there are options is browser network and encryption settings.


I have cleared all the settings with no luck.

Also check if you have a bad http_proxy exported anywhere.

Look at read permissions of resolv.conf

ls -l /etc/resolv.conf 

They should be like "-rw-r--r--"

It seems the newest version of Firefox handles IPv6 differently. My problem was with IPv6. After following these instructions I got Firefox working again.

I was looking at this file.


Would this line have some effect?


This file mentioned the above file. Then I noticed the failure thing.
