Sunray dhcp?

I have been given the responsibility of installing, configuring, and administering are new sunray servers. I am not that familiar with Solaris; however, I have done some administration on Linux. I was hoping the two OS's were similar enough to bridge the learning gap. Well, I have found out that dhcp services aren't that similar. This maybe a stupid question, but I will remain stupid if I don't ask it. How can I view the ip addresses that are given out to my sunray clients? I know how to view the ip lease range with utadm -p, but when I view the arp entries, I don't see anything in the ip range. I am use to the leases being logged in /var/log/dhcp.leases on linux.

Solaris is pretty user-hostile when it comes to dhcp. It likes routed networks much better.

I'm not sure how to do it myself, but my suggestion would be to check out They have online copies of hundreds of sun manuals there, and I'm pretty sure you could find a dhcp administration guide for Solaris there.

Good luck.