SunBlade 1500 SCSI Floppy Jumpstart

Hello :slight_smile: I have a customer who is OEMing their own hadware to us. The CPU is right out of a SunBlade 1500. Because of the physical requirements, the keyboard, DVD-ROM drive, 36GB Removable disk drive and scsi floppy are housed in what they call their media box which is in some cases 10 feet from the monitor. I would like to simplify the Solaris software and our application intstallations by using a pre-configuration floppy which would setup the disk, load the Solaris software, load the application software, patch the O/S and harden the system. The problem is that I can't seem to get the scsi floppy to be seen as "the floppy" drive by the Solaris 8 installation media. I have tried to use the nvalias command to alias floppy to /pci@1f......./scsi@1,1/sd@5,0 with no luck.
Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on how I can accomplish this?
Respectfully - Mark