sun-solalris for intel desktops


i have a pentium-4 desktop with intel Motherboard and processor, which version of solaris i can install ,

Please refer.


How about OpenSolaris? And I think Solaris 10 also runs on x86 hardware.

Most Solaris releases do/did support x86:
OpenSolaris, Solaris Express, Solaris 10, 9, 8, 2.7, 2.6, 2.5.1, 2.5, 2.4 and 2.1 (1993).

You can install Solaris 10 for x86. Download it from SUN website and burn it into a DVD

Hi Incredible,

few minutes before i got a Solaris10.0 original DVD from my friend,
i tried installing this OS in my intel desktop,
its not even Booting,

i can able to browse the DVD but its not booting from intel desktops and Laptops,

comments please:-

Vijay, :b:

there are 2 versions... sparc and x86. you've probably the sparc version. as allready told, download the x86 version from the sun website!

Let me suggest you first check the compatibility with "Sun Device Detection Tool 2.2"

You need a Free partition and then boot from CD and do a standard installation

If you want to Solaris and windows in the same machine, I would recommend you 3 partitions

1 nfs
1 FAT (data)
1 Solaris

So on this way you can share the information in both Os.
