Sun hardware sizing


Never worked with Sun, but I have been presented to make a decision about Sun server hardware, since the application which we'll be running is not so popular and you guys might not have idea, for reference I can tell you our competitor is running same application (business volume 10 times more than us) on following server:

I'm not sure if V880 with above CPU speed is still available but I have been give a choice from following sun models:

1) Sun Sparc Enterprise M5000 Server
2) Sun Fire X4170 M2 Server
3) Sun Fire X4270 M2 Server
4) Sun Fire X4470 M2 Server
5) Sun SPARC Enterprise M4000 Base Server

I am not sure about pricing of these models but I assume that they are all very high in specifications compared to V880, considering the experience of our competitor, I have no doubt that our application won't run on V880 but I think those are discontinued, which model you guys recommend which is next in the line to V880 and is cost effective as well? Our competitor is upgrading from V880 to M5000 in upcoming months but we may not need M5000 since our business volume is much lower than them, your expert advice would be highly appreciated.

if you need a sparc system (which 2, 3 and 4 are not) and a v880 is for a 10 times bigger business you should maybe go for a M3000 system. the bigger M series server might be a little oversize.
if you need the harddisk space (lots of internal disks) a T series (also sparc) server or a X series server (if you can run your app on x86 hardware) might be handy...

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