Sun Enterprise 420R

I am trying to connect to our Sun Enterprise 420R server via Hyperterminal. Using settings of 9600,n,1,n, I am getting nothing on COM4 (my laptop's ethernet port). I've also tried COM3, COM2, and COM5 - but at least I can type in COM4: the other three I cannot type when trying to connect. I am frustrated to no end because it always seems like this happens, and we need this server up ASAP. Please advise!

Jamen McGranahan

I don't think you have the COM4 running in your laptop, maybe you must try using a USB to Serial converter and looking for a available serial port using Device Manager in your laptop (I assume you use Windows)

Are you using a cross over cable ? I use a cross over cable, in my 9 pin com port b plug on my old laptop. I then plug into the ttya port on the sun server ( older models )

With the core cable being a cross over type, with the changing of different adaptors, I can pretty much connect on to anything.