Sun Cluster installation


I'm trying to install two-node Solaris cluster. All nodes has three NICs (elxl0-elxl2). elxl0 is plumbed, other interfaces - not.

At firstnode I started scinstall, made custom install, wrote hostnames of all two nodes and choose elxl1/elxl2 for cluster interconnection.

After these settings scintall writes:

    Started cluster check on "clusnode0".
    Started cluster check on "clusnode1".
    cluster check failed for "clusnode0".
    cluster check completed with no errors or warnings for "clusnode1".

After rebooting of clusnode1 all nodes writes next thing:

# ./cluster list -v
cluster:  (C152734) This node is not in cluster mode.

Help me please, what I'm doing wrong?

i guess you are still in "installmode". have a look here for the steps on how to install cluster software:

Solaris Cluster 3.2 - Tom

or download the cluster documentation at Sun Microsystems Documentation