Sun Certified Network Administrator for Solaris 10 OS (CX-310-302)

I want to start studying for Sun Certified Network Administrator for Solaris 10 OS (CX-310-302)

Are there any books or study guides for this? I am pumping a dry well on Amazon and Borders...

What have you used to study for this? Is there anything out there that is reasonable? I am not paying Sun $1,080.00 for a darn CD.

As per my knowledge, there is no book for this certificate. Sun official material is the best and only guide.

how have you learnd for the "sun certified solaris administrator"? it's a prerequisite for getting the scna qualification...

There books for SCSA, that is not a problem.

I guess there is a Solaris 9 book with 3 parts, part one for admin 1, part two for admin 2, and part three for SCNA. I may try it.

Sun Certified Solaris 9 System and Network Administrator All-in-One Exam Guide, All-in-One, Pat Watters, Book - Barnes & Noble

also there is this: Solaris 9 Network Administrator Exam Cram 2 (Exam CX-310-044): John Philcox: Books

there are a lot of differences between solaris 9 and 10!

even in the networking?

Enough to make it difficult to pass a Solaris 10 exam with only Solaris 9 knowledge.

That is vexing...

according to me solaris 10 system administration by bill calkins is great u can see more details at

I already have that. Is that enough for the SCNA exam?

Bill Calkins book is ok for SCSA, but not for the SCNA.

Also, Bill Calkins book now is dated, because many topics have been introduced to the SCSA (such as ZFS, sun update connection,..etc) that are not in Calkins book. Don't rely solely on it.

The best and most reliable resource should be Sun official study guides. The most up to date that is.