sun Blade 2000 and XVR100


I have SunBlade 2000 with XVR-1000 graphics card. Xserver won't loaded. I've reinstalled OS 9 ( loaded Driver) nor 10 still won't do it. Anyone has this problem or have any ideas whats' wrong, greatly appreciated!!

thanks in adv.

You have to install the drivers (for Solaris 9) , you can download it :

Hardware | Oracle ---- Hardware drivers --- graphics+digital video --- XVR-1000

There you can find a 65MB tar file which includes the driver software for solaris 8+9 and including a special OpenGL version. You will need a support contract / valid SUN login to download the software, if you havent a login, post a reply so I can put the software on my FTP server for you.

Cant figure out whats up with solaris 10 support for XVR-1000 , will post if I ve found some.
