Sum using awk

Hi all,

I need to sum values for fields in a delimited file as below:


Code used is:

nawk -F "|" ' { sum[$1] += $2; sum1[$1] +=$3; sum2[$1] +=$4 } END { for (k in sum) print k "|" sum[k] "|" sum1[k] "|" sum2[k] }'

output required (and achieved):



  1. When summing empty fields, how do I get the (sum) output value to reflect an empty field and not a zero?
  2. This script needs to be used for multiple files with varying numbers of columns / fields. The above would require me to set up a seperate script for each input file and hardcode the number of columns (sections in blue) for every file. I would like to be able to write a single script to allow for any number of columns.

In searching for a solution, I understand that NF may work to do this but I have no idea of what the syntax should look like.

Can anyone assist?



nawk -F\| 'END {
  for (K in k) {
    printf "%s", K FS  
    for (i = 1; ++i <= nf;)
      printf "%s", (v[K, i] ? v[K, i] : x) \
       (i < nf ? FS : RS) 
  for (i = 0; ++i <= NF;) {
    v[$1, i] += $i; k[$1]
  NF > nf && nf = NF    
  }' infile
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At its base, you're going to need to establish some sort of pattern surrounding your requirements. Your sample appears to have sporadic values populated, but it also may be of mixed-precision. How many places do you want in these calculated values? Have you explored printf, as opposed to print? This allows you to apply masking symbols.

Insofar as the 0 sum columns, you could pipe the end result through a sed filter that eliminates the 0-string as needed.

You may wish to run it all through a case statement, or if..then loop, to apply different script versions according to your file's layout.

something like:

#  nawk -F "|" '{k=NF;t[$1]++;for (i=2;i<=NF;i++){s[$1"_"i]+=$i}}END{for (i in t){str=i;for (x=2;x<=k;x++){str=str"|"s[i"_"x]};print str}}' infile 

should be close...

just saw Radoulovs - post - yep - you're still the master...


Just saw Tytalus's comment.

You are definitely the MASTER!

Works like a charm.

Thank you very much.

Hi Radoulov,

Apologies for bothering again. On checking the output again, I noticed that ALL the fields with ZERO or "BLANK" values are printed as "BLANK". In our environment however, ZERO has a specific meaning / value and therefore, if the summerized value is truly ZERO, I need it to display as such.

Or in other words, if 4 values are summed (3 Blanks and one ZERO), the output needs to reflect ZERO and not blank.

Hope you are able to assist.


Try this one:

nawk -F\| 'END {
  for (K in k) {
    printf "%s", K FS  
    for (i = 1; ++i <= nf;)
      printf "%s", ((K, i) in nn ? v[K, i] : x) \
        (i < nf ? FS : RS) 
  for (i = 1; ++i <= NF;) {
    v[$1, i] += $i
    $i == "" || nn[$1, i]
  NF > nf && nf = NF; k[$1]  
    }' infile  
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You are truly a giant amongst men!

Thanks a lot.
