Sum a column value based on multiple keys


I have below as i/p file:

5ABC    36488989    K       000010000ASB                BYTRES
5PQR    45757754    K       000200005KPC                HGTRET
5ABC    36488989    K       000045000ASB                HGTRET
5GTH    36488989    K       000200200ASB                BYTRES
5FTU    45757754    K       000003002KPC                HGTRET
5FTU    45757754    K       007000001KPC                BYTRES
5GTH    36488989    K       062000100ASB                HGTRET
5PQR    45757754    K       000500000KPC                HGTRET

My o/p should be

5ABC    36488989    K       000055000ASB 
5GTH    36488989    K       062200300ASB 
5FTU    45757754    K       007003003KPC
5PQR    45757754    K       000700005KPC 

Field in green - Key 1
Field in Red - key 2

For all the records having unique combination of key1 and key2, I need to add values in green.
For example I have below two rows for the combination of 36488989 and ABC. In the o/p I need

5ABC    36488989    K       sum(000010000 + 000045000)

Problem for me here is two keys to get the duplicate rows.
I am trying to use awk to get the solution.

Where did you get stuck with your code?

Assuming you meant you want to use awk not trying to use awk
You might need to modify the code if your first character starts other than 5 in first column and if the third column is not k...

awk '{v=substr($1,2);F[v" "$2]+=substr($4,1,9);FF[v" "$2]=substr($4,10)}END{
for(i in F){split(i,A," ");printf("5%s %d K %09d%s \n"),A[1],A[2],F,FF}}' infile